Daily News: 24/02/2025
Seven regional social landlord groups, representing 75 housing associations and councils, have jointly submitted a spending review, urging funding consolidation and housing investment reclassification as infrastructure. Housing Today (register)
S&P Global Ratings has revised its outlook on U.K.-based social housing provider Sanctuary Housing Association to stable from negative, affirming its ‘A’ long-term issuer credit rating. S&P Global
Leicester City Council is set to purchase a former student accommodation block on York Street, consisting of 134 self-contained flats, to address the growing demand for temporary housing. BBC
Tendering is underway for a £3bn general works framework in London and the South East, led by Haringey Council to include both SMEs and major firms. Meanwhile, Sovereign Network Group (SNG) is seeking contractors for a £750m new-build framework over the next four years. Additionally, construction firms are being invited to express interest in a £970m industry framework for building services. Construction Enquirer, Construction Enquirer, and Construction Wave
The search is underway for a private sector development partner to help deliver the £4bn Bristol Temple Quarter regeneration scheme. In addition, Novus Property Solutions is working on Anchor’s housing maintenance programme in the South West, focusing on responsive repairs and asset investment. Moreover, E G Carter and Co Ltd has been appointed to design and build 60 affordable homes at the former library site in Melksham. Construction Enquirer, Facilitate Magazine, and Wiltshire Times
Modular building manufacturer Thurston Group has expanded its production capacity by acquiring Storplan, a specialist fabrication business. The acquisition aims to strengthen Thurston’s capabilities in portable and modular construction. The Construction Index
The Greater London Authority is reviewing fire safety in high-rises, particularly the need for second staircases and their impact on developments. At the same time, the British Property Federation is calling for clearer EPC targets, as over 80% of commercial real estate in major English cities is rated below B. IFSJ, The Construction Index
Housing association Bromford has announced plans to build 11,000 new homes across the West Midlands and West of England over the next seven years, aiming to address housing demand in the region. Construction Enquirer
The Keepers Place project near Milton Keynes could deliver 3,500 homes across council boundaries. In Mansfield, 400 homes are set for construction this summer as part of a 1,700-home scheme, despite parking concerns. A Nottinghamshire village’s 1,300-home plan has expanded by 140 homes, while 176 new houses are proposed at Watson’s Road, Newry. BBC, Nottinghamshire Live, BBC, and Newry.IE